Bug Report nginx-rmtp hls broken on mac browser after the 0.57b update


New Member
Something changed between 0.554b and 0.57b that broke hls with nginx-rmtp on Mac. There are no errors shown in OBS. Hls works on Android but not on Mac. It just displays a gray screen without audio.

Going back to 0.554b with exactly the same OBS and server settings fixes the issue. The same setup also works correctly with other encoders.

I attached the logs from both versions.


  • 554b.log
    5.7 KB · Views: 46
  • 57b.log
    5.9 KB · Views: 45


Community Helper
Re: nginx-rmtp hls broken on mac browser after the 0.57b upd

Can you post your nginx conf file to see how you have HLS set up? Let's make sure it isn't a transcoding issue that the update exposed, rather than a bug introduced to OBS first.


New Member
Re: nginx-rmtp hls broken on mac browser after the 0.57b upd

This is my rtmp config. Tested on windows and linux nginx with the same results.

rtmp {
        server {
                listen 1935;
                chunk_size 4096;

                application live {
                        live on;
                        record off;
                        hls on;
                        hls_path /usr/local/nginx/live;
                        hls_nested on;
                        hls_fragment 5s;
                        hls_playlist_length 10s;
                        allow publish all;
                        allow play all;
                        hls_continuous on;


Community Helper
Re: nginx-rmtp hls broken on mac browser after the 0.57b upd

Hmm, that does seem odd, but I can't think of anything that has changed in 0.57 that would do this. The only difference I see in your logs is that you aren't using CFR in 0.554 and you are in 0.57...could that make the difference?


New Member
Re: nginx-rmtp hls broken on mac browser after the 0.57b upd

I noticed that too but it didn't make a difference with the option disabled.


Community Helper
Re: nginx-rmtp hls broken on mac browser after the 0.57b upd

Which version of nginx-rtmp-module are you using? Version 1.0.4 JUST came out, which adds the ability to copy along stream metadata...perhaps that would help?


New Member
Re: nginx-rmtp hls broken on mac browser after the 0.57b upd

Yes it's the latest version. I added "meta copy;" and got the same results.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Re: nginx-rmtp hls broken on mac browser after the 0.57b upd

Also note the settings differences -- in the 0.57 log it shows that you're using 48khz -- that was recently added. Try switching it back to 44.1khz. Though actually now that I think about it, this may not change anything.

We did change some color related stuff lately, so that might be the cause, but not entirely sure.


Community Helper
Re: nginx-rmtp hls broken on mac browser after the 0.57b upd

That was my only other guess, the color range change. Is there a way to test that easily? Or would we need a custom build?


New Member
Re: nginx-rmtp hls broken on mac browser after the 0.57b upd

I tested with 44.1khz but it didn't work either. I can send you teamviewer access to a mac virtual machine if you want. I don't have a nginx server that can be accessed from the internet but I can configure one if needed.