Bug Report Newest Version Issue

Hello !

I've just updated to the newest version of obs classic and I've been having problems with my facecam/audio , they are out of synch and couldn't manage to fix it

I've downgraded to the previous version of obs and everything is fine again, just wanted to point that out so if anyone has this issue to do the same

Faisal Qureshi

New Member
I'm a new user of this amazing software. First of all, kudos and thank you to the developers.
I never used the older version, so can't say if that had a problem too.
The latest version definitely has a synch problem. Both on the stream, and offline recording. And it's not even consistent. It's just randomly out of sync.

Here are various examples.

It is also not platform dependent. It is the same on facebook live as well.

Would really appreciate some insight.

I'm using a macbook air for streaming.