Question / Help New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatible" ?

I've just noticed that Twitch added this option "Stream Configuration Quality:" I always stream with the same default options with OBS but since they added this it says: Incompatible

This is how this looks:

Someone know what he bloody hell is this all about and why Incompatible?


  • streamincompartibleobs.png
    179 KB · Views: 436


Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

Ignore, for the time being. That profiler is way off and quite buggy. I tried 100% default OBS settings except for including their new keyframe interval requirement and it still came back as Incompatible. The only thing Incompatible about it is the Twitch.TV profiler itself.


New Member
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

Kharay said:
Ignore, for the time being. That profiler is way off and quite buggy. I tried 100% default OBS settings except for including their new keyframe interval requirement and it still came back as Incompatible. The only thing Incompatible about it is the Twitch.TV profiler itself.

I know for a fact that there are people out there who use OBS and who don't have any problems at all and they get "Excellent" as a result. Something must be wrong.


Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

If you want prove that twitchs profiler is buggy as shit just set everything the way they want and if it still gives you "Incompatible" refresh the dashboard a shit ton... it will show excellent eventually.


New Member
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl


What you want to do to make sure that OBS is working the new Twitch TV Requirements is download the new test build "Test Build - 0.54.09 network/gc test build"

Under encoding make sure the following settings are set:

  • Use CBR is Checked
  • Enable CBR Padding is Checked
  • Codec: AAC must be set to 160! (Unless your on MP3 which it then needs to be set to 128)
  • Bitrate you can set to what you want I personally use 2784

Under Advanced make sure you set Keyframe interval to 2 (if you get a warning about the keyframes being off a few people have said setting this to 1 has resolved the issue)

This should help you out 100% when I test this on both the LagSpike_TV twitch stream and personal channel it gave me an excellent mark.

So give it a go and see if it helps :)


Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

thyrox said:
Kharay said:
Ignore, for the time being. That profiler is way off and quite buggy. I tried 100% default OBS settings except for including their new keyframe interval requirement and it still came back as Incompatible. The only thing Incompatible about it is the Twitch.TV profiler itself.

I know for a fact that there are people out there who use OBS and who don't have any problems at all and they get "Excellent" as a result. Something must be wrong.
And I know for a fact that I tried countless permutations and could not get it to render any other result than "Incompatible".

The point of which is this -- It's bugged, ignore it for the time being. Twitch is not holy, not flawless and run by people. People who make mistakes in implementing new features and need time to iron out those mistakes.


Community Helper
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

SweptSquash said:
Under Advanced make sure you set Keyframe interval to 2
The current stable version does not have that option yet, so you have to set the x264 setting manually. For 0.542 and earlier, use this guide: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6481

The profiler isn't "bugged" necessarily, but it takes a while for Twitch to recognize your new settings. If you know that you have everything right, ignore the message unless it continues to not disappear.
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

I think something is messed up and I don't get WTF. I have default OBS settings yet it was on Incompatible. I didn't change anything and now it's on "Stream Configuration Quality: Minimal "

"Max keyframe interval is currently at 8.474 seconds. Please set it to 2 seconds."

I have n idea what they want from me and what they are speaking about...

SweptSquash said:

What you want to do to make sure that OBS is working the new Twitch TV Requirements is download the new test build "Test Build - 0.54.09 network/gc test build"

Under encoding make sure the following settings are set:

  • Use CBR is Checked
  • Enable CBR Padding is Checked
  • Codec: AAC must be set to 160! (Unless your on MP3 which it then needs to be set to 128)
  • Bitrate you can set to what you want I personally use 2784

Under Advanced make sure you set Keyframe interval to 2

This should help you out 100% when I test this on both the LagSpike_TV twitch stream and personal channel it gave me an excellent mark.

So give it a go and see if it helps :)

I can't and won't use CBR, I have 1mbps upload which I need to share on my stream and Minecraft, If i use CBR, my Minecraft lags (I play on my server).

My codec is AAC, but bitrate is 128, and won't be higher, my CPU and my Upload won't let me go higher.

Max Bitrate (kb/s) in Encoding tab is 800 for me and Quality Balance is 8 (because I don't use CBR), and also Buffer size is 800.


Community Helper
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

  • OBS default settings are "incompatible" with Twitch's new requirements
  • You have to set your keyint to 2 seconds (i.e. double the number of frames per second you stream at): viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6481
  • If you don't like streaming with CBR, then you better get over it fast, or find somewhere besides Twitch to stream. If you're lagging with CBR, you're probably streaming at too high a bit rate for your upload speed.
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

dodgepong said:
  • OBS default settings are "incompatible" with Twitch's new requirements
  • You have to set your keyint to 2 seconds (i.e. double the number of frames per second you stream at): viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6481
  • If you don't like streaming with CBR, then you better get over it fast, or find somewhere besides Twitch to stream. If you're lagging with CBR, you're probably streaming at too high a bit rate for your upload speed.
Not switching from variable, it is doing me wonders... Not using my full upload but max that it can so the stream quality is good and I don't have lags...

btw. Double my framerate? So If I stream at 30fps I need to stream at 60? are they out of theirs f'ing mind? it will kill my Dual Core CPU O.o


Community Helper
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

No, you set your KEYINT to double your frame rate. If you're streaming at 30fps, set your keyint to 60. You don't need to change your frame rate.


Active Member
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

Max keyframe interval is currently at 3.653 seconds. Please set it to 2 seconds.

the fuck .... streaming with 60fps and those custom sets: opencl=true tune=animation bframes=16 b-adapt=1 keyint=120

wasnt it keyint=x*2x the set framerate?


Community Helper
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl might have to refresh your dashboard, because Twitch's profile sometimes takes a bit. You might need to enable CFR if it still isn't working.


Active Member
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

Max keyframe interval is currently at 8.0 seconds. Please set it to 2 seconds.
The broadcast is not set to constant bitrate (CBR). [Current average: 1638 kbps, current max: 2563.0 kbps]

getting better and better :D twitch Y U CHANGE A RUNNING SYSTEM


New Member
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

Hmm will this new Twitch requirement affect stream quality?...

It wont decrease the quality of the video right?... (complete newb)


Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

Well, actually... it will in fact cause some decrease in quality, yes.


Community Helper
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

Having a more frequent keyint will make the quality slightly worse, since you will be devoting more of your bandwidth toward sending full keyframes.


New Member
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

Ah... I feel like this will hurt people with low number of viewers since it will decrease the quality... =(


Community Helper
Re: New Twitch.TV "Stream Configuration Quality: Incompatibl

If your stream is entertaining and you have good content, it will be fine. If a stream is entertaining but low quality, I usually won't turn it off (unless it is egregiously low), but I often turn off high-quality streams that are boring.