Question / Help New to streaming, couple questions.


New Member
Hi. I'm pretty much new to streaming, and I've got a couple questions I'd like to ask, if possible. Basically, my internet is unfortunately stuck at 1mbps upload, and I don't think I can get any better around here. So, I'd like to ask what kind of settings would be most advisable for a decent quality stream at that range?

It might be worth noting, too, that I mostly intend to play 'old' games through emulation. The most recent stuff would be like, PSP games, and not a fullscreen or anything, at best using 2x the original resolution in the emulator. Aware of that, what kind of resolution/FPS should I be aiming for, too?

As for specs, nothing fancy. i3 3200 @ 3.30GHz and a GTX 650 w/ 8GB RAM.

Thanks in advance.


The Helping Squad
Decent quality will be quite hard to reach. For such low upload speed a maximum resolution of around 480p with 30 fps might be possible at acceptable quality though. I have to add that your CPU is quite weak, but with the low resolution it might be enough.

Assuming you have the full 1mbit upload speed, you could use around 700kbps for the video in OBS, and you will want to lower the audio bitrate to around 64kbps. That gives you about 200kbps free upload room for online games, team chat, etc.

For a higher quality/higher resolution stream you will need at least 2.5-3mbps upload speed.