Question / Help New Streamer, Tips needed


New Member
Hi all

I'm new to streaming and have been playing around with OBS.

I'm looking for some set up tips. Some info first. I use

GTX 680
i7 3930 OC
5000kbps upload

I have been testing the stream in LFR WoW Raids, and watching it on my laptop as I play and every now and then it will freeze for around 5 secs then continue to play as normal. I am using Twitch tv.

My current settings on OBS are

Quality Balance 8
Max Bitrate 4000
Buffer Size 4000

Resolution 1280x720
x264 CPU preset - very fast

I have not touched anything else.

Is there anyway to stop the freezing on my streams? Is it because I don't currently pay money to twitch?

I would love to stream 1080, but I don't think it is possible with my upload speed.

edit: Just to add, at the bottom right, it is always green and says I have 0 FPS loss, I am running at 25 fps.

I also only have one scene, and I am using game capture and one image capture to block out guild chat.


Town drunk
Well, you aren't dropping any frames, so all the data seems to be getting to the twitch server alright. For 720p30fps though, you don't really need any more than 2500 bitrate. Try lowering to that and seeing if it helps. Video pauses like that are almost always the result of too high bitrate being chosen.