Question / Help New PC = Stream quality worse :(


New Member
So recently I've upgraded from an i5 2500k + GTX 570 to an i7 4770k + GTX 780 (same amount of ram but 1600 this time instead of 1333). However, despite running OBS at the "faster" preset, my stream actually looks grainier and just "bleh" imo.

Examples: Older VOD | Newer VOD

The only changes seem to have been swapping to CBR (because Twitch demands this now), changing my FPS from 30 to 45 and changing my preset from "veryfast" to "faster"

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!


I'm running 3000 bitrate with CFR on as well (one of the changes I've enabled to try and remedy this issue.)


Town drunk went from 30fps to 45fps, and then lowered your bitrate from 3500 to 2500. This would be why. Preset is not a magical fix for lower bitrates, it only does so much, and going from veryfast to faster barely does anything, certainly not enough to compensate for increasing the framerate by 15fps and droppy by 1000 bitrate.

If you can sustain 3500 bitrate, use it! It will look much better. You can probably keep the faster preset with that PC for a little bit of added image quality. I would also recommend using 48fps instead of 45fps because of frame timing stuff.


New Member
The quality is still worse than it was pre-CBR.

That is with 3500 bitrate, 60 FPS, faster preset, best filter

Even tried it with 30 FPS, 48 FPS, etc.. always looks really bleh but "acceptable"

Tried streaming to and it looks AMAZING without CBR on. Streaming at 1080p + 48 FPS works a bit better quality wise but damn I really don't like this :V