New look and more


New Member
Hi all my name is kenny and a friend of mine told me about OBS and for me I love it . Its really great the best free game broadcasting software have ever used. Now it has come to me that maby its time to upgrade a bit but not to much as I was looking at it is there a way to set it up to save diffrint lay outs for different games I mean adding that can really help a lot of broadcasters out there that do more then one game and it would bring more people in as well as that make a mobile OBS remote to help those who don't have a dual monitor or 2 computer and trust me it would help and for tablits and smart phone s trust me it is a work in progress but I know that it may come to light one day and I hope it dose o and make it were people can overlay there controls in game for full screen games and give abit more detail on how really works and how better it could work on there certain computers You know trust me it will help a lot on them and if it helps us we help you out OBS so what do you guys think I don't ask for to much but iam just asking for a little ok


New Member
well as you see someone of the stuff can be done i know it can but the overlay would take alot but really well to think about it and put it out there right and looking at the remote via tablits and smart phones could be a great things just think about it what if lets say like me i only have one moniter and one pc well if i am in a game i would love to make it were it would be a easy way to work with the broadcast with out having to get out of screen and plus adding a project layout interface is a great way so they can save like games like eq2 black opps 2 and so much more they can add and make there own borders for like there set seans or a set the people can share with other OBS broadcaster it would bring alot of people and having them keep coming back for more just think about it you know iam right


New Member
such amaze, w0w~

Although, it could be neat to have integration with a smartphone, I doubt that Jim has the time to code that. BUT, you're in luck gamergods999, OBS is open source, which means that YOU can write your very own addition to it!