New Here, Hiring Dev for Plugin


New Member
I'd like to hire a dev to create a "Game Detection" plugin, so that it will detect which game I launch in steam and update it to twitch off the info tab.

I'm completely new as a streamer, new to this forum, etc. so please excuse any atrocious etiquette I might have as a newbie, but I think this feature would be amazing, it would draw people to OBS (I see streamers asking for this all the time, usually the mods have to change things as they play) and help streamers/mods.

I don't have a ton of money, and I don't know how difficult this would be to accomplish as I'm not an accomplished programmer in any way.

I would absolutely like to pay someone to create this though, and am open to discussions regarding price, in PM or on forum.

Again please excuse any poor etiquette I may have, I just need the help of a programmer for this as I have a disability which makes it insanely difficult to keep up with the changing applications. Again, I will pay for your services.

Thank you.