Nested Sources


New Member

Just throwing out this suggestion to you all not sure if it has been requested before or even mentioned but I think it would be great to be able to turn on/off multiple items at once. So here we go!

The idea came to me today while working on a new layout for Planet Coaster. Man it would be great to be able to click the "Eye Ball" and turn on/off multiple items. So say I have a chat area on my overlays setup but I want to be able to turn off the overlay image for the chat and the chat section as well, I could create a nested item for those things and maybe a few others, and then click the "Eye Ball" to turn off all of those items at once. You could also make a Nested section for your webcam overlay and video capture for your webcam. This way your not having to find multiple items in all your sources you label it right click 1 thing and multiple items go away or appear?

Let me know what you think, some may say if you just label all your stuff right in the first place you don't need this? I understand but if you have tons of interface items to really make your stream fit into the game then you will know what I'm talking about.

Just a thought! Have fun and keep streaming peeps!