Need "Stop Streaming in 60 Seconds" button


New Member
Hello, I am a streamer, obviously, and I often find myself accidentally stopping my stream while it's still technically broadcasting, or worse, leaving the room to take care of something, and discovering I never stopped streaming. I would love if OBS had a feature where the Stop Streaming button could be set in the Settings to be a "Stop in (X) seconds" (abreviating this SSiXS for the rest of this post) button, where X would be totally configurable (up to, say, 300 seconds?) Have the button itself show the current seconds, like a countdown. Include the options to cancel the countdown and return to streaming, or leave now be somehow present once the SSiXS has been clicked.

I don'tknow how intensive this would be, or if it's evern something you'd want to pursue, but it's a feedback forum, so I figured I'd give it a shot.