Question / Help Need help with bitrates...


New Member
Hello OBS Devs,

I am in dire need of help of bitrates and buffer sizes

My Upload Speed: 0.70 Mbps
I am a YTer who plays games and whenever I end a Recording / Start a Steam
It lags like crazy whenever I'm editing

So, Whats the good buffer size for 0.70 Mbps?

- PsBoxFour


Active Member
With that Upload you can pretty much giveup streaming.

Depending on your hardware you could push something like 480p30 on medium Preset with a 400 Bitrate/Buffer if your Upload is somewhat stable but then again you might get Ping issues.

In general I wouldnt suggest going far over 360p30 with 350Bitrate/Buffer.

For Recording its a whole different Story.