Need help playing audio from my new AverMedia Live Gamer 4K (GC573)

rAw TimE

New Member
Hey all, I recently updated my capture card to the GC573. I would like to have the audio from my console play through my headphones without having to use software so I tried going into the sound settings in control panel and listening to the device. For some reason this doesn't work, I happened upon a video where the person was able to get audio playback by activating and listening to the "Line In" device in the recording tab but this exact device says it's not being detected for some reason. I know the Capture Card is producing sound because i can monitor it in OBS. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?



Active Member
That *is* how it's supposed to work. Don't know why it doesn't.

But, you could buy an HDMI audio extractor and plug your headphones into that. They're fairly cheap.
Or you could keep OBS open.
Or you could use something like Voicemeeter to route audio instead of OBS, if that's all it's doing.