Question / Help Need Help My kbs Below actual Upload speed :(


New Member
Ok so my download is 146 mbs and upload is 11.54 mbs But when i stream on Twitch i get about 300kbs down the bottom right :( Can anyone help me ?


My pc specs
I5 3570K
8gb ram
Gtx 660 FTW
Windows 7


Active Member
Re: Need Help My kbs :(

That's your current actual-rate. You can edit your target bitrate in the settings.
Also, you'll want to run a 6MB test at to get a real idea of the constant throughput you have available; is worthless when it comes to livestreaming, as it only tests dead-file transfers.


New Member
Clicked CBR and my upload shot up to 2100 kbps ? Sorry if you where supposed to do this :P and anything else i could be missing out on setting wise ?


Active Member
VBR (variable bit rate) will only use as much bandwidth as it needs at a given moment, but CAN spike above the target value you've set. CBR (constant bit rate) will use around the full amount you've provided, constantly.

Post a logfile from a live streaming session. They're located in %appdata%\OBS\logs and are timestamped. Open it with Notepad and paste the COMPLETE contents here inside of 'code' tags.