Nearest Neighbor, Catmull-rom, Jinc Sampling


New Member
taken largely from madVR, It would be a great idea to allow both upscaling and downscaling using Nearest Neighbor, Catmull-rom and Jinc filters. MadVR also allows separate filters for luma and chroma, though that isn't really an issue. A bonus would be to include Mitchell-Netravali, and to choose the number of samples. Here is an example screenshot from MadVR:


Having these available both in the video settings menu and as resize options for scene elements would be a well appreciated addition.

MadVR performs this via GPU shaders, though I wouldn't know how much effort would be required to achieve that.


Town drunk
All of the resizing/downscaling filters are already done on the GPU in OBS 1.0. I imagine things like this will be much easier with the rewrite for OBS 2.0. One of the goals is to make lots of things way more customizable.