Question / Help NDI with SKYPE and 4 mobile Cams


New Member

Does anyone know if its possible to use OBS with Skype NDI using 2-iPhone's and 2-Android phones with preferably <20 millisecond time synced latency? for all streams?

I'm using the latest Skype and OBS versions. It all works but there is about a 500-1000 millisecond delay between feeds. I'm trying to use it for band rehearsal but its way too laggy. All 4 people have +60mbps DL and +5-10 mbps UL speeds.

Is this even possible with OBS and NDI plug-in alone or do I need to use something else?



Active Member
Since all those timings will be dependent on each users equipment and network performance.. no. Skype is designed to allow people to carry on conversations, and VOIP can quite often have high values for latency. It's not designed to keep musical performances in sync with one another.