Question / Help My videos are not smooth at all I need HELP!!!!


New Member
I have a pretty beast gaming pc, and I get good framerates, but for recording, it doesnt look smooth at all. I have even tried to cap my fps to 60 and it did not work at all. I am extremely mad though, because I am coming from nvidia shadowplay, which turned out not to be the best recorder, till I found obs to being one of the best. To be honest, its becoming worse than shadowplay. I really want to record high quality videos, I have the best render settings and everything for my video editor, movie studio 16 platinum. Besides, the point is is that I need help finding the best settings to record my videos, These are my specs: GC:2060S 8gb founders edition|CPU:Ryzen 2700 8C 16T|16GB Ram|AM4 msi b450m motherboard|

I really need help and if anybody could help me I appreciate it :)

PS: If anyone responds THANK YOU!!

If you want to email me directly since I probably wont check this as much as I do my email its:|I know my email is random.|