Question / Help My streaming is not working


New Member
Hi everyone, i'm new to the forum but i would like to share my problem with you, i was used to stream on twitch at 720p 30 fps without any problem with just 3mb up connection, then i quitted streaming for some time now i got an isp upgrade(same isp) at 20mb up from 3. so i tryed to stream again with suggested settings for non partnered streamer on twitch 2k bitrate max, always 720p but 60fps with max filter to increase my quality, streaming ALWAYS buffer the higher the settings the highest the buffer not just for me but for everyone asked 10 20 ppls to watch my channel while streaming, tested every sort of bitrate configuration from 500 to 2k but nothing seems to work, changed all Eu servers but problem still remains.

My Pc

Intel core i7 4790k 4,4ghz
16gb ram 1866mhz
geforce gtx 980 ti

this is my log file:
Buffering Proof.jpg
obs setting.jpg
obs setting2.jpg
obs setting3.jpg
obs setting4.jpg


New Member
i know that post alrd and ofc its not helping, made alot of research before posting...would be appreciated to receive some useful reply instead of a u cant stream because ur unlucky bro thats just pretty sad


Active Member
It may be appreciated to receive a different reply, but you have no control over the routing your viewers get to the viewer servers.


New Member
and this works only for twitch i guess considering i stream on hitbox full hd with no prob? The funny thing is that alot of ppls stream with way worst connection then mine and have no issues i'm just getting mad for this


New Member
So in the end the final answer is u cannot stream if ur not lucky? even if u spent 3k euro for a pc ? no other tips? stranges ideas to test? nothing?


Active Member
It's twitch's fault, not OBS'
Twitch routes all viewers of non-partnered low traffic streamers through the san fransisco viewer servers. If the route from your viewer to the san fransisco twitch servers is garbage, the stream will be garbage for that viewer.