Question / Help my stream wont start or preview


New Member
when i try to stream it says "could not create D3D10 device and swap chain. this error can happen for one of the following reasons:

1)your GPU is not supported(DirectX10 support is required - many integrated laptop GPUs do not support DX10)
2)your running windows vista without the platform update
3)Your video card drivers are out of date"

i know its not number 2 because i have windows 7 home. and i downloaded the directx10 when i installed OBS. i updated my drivers and it still isnt working.!!! any suggestions or fixes?


Community Helper
Unfortunately, you have a graphics card that does not support all the features of DirectX 10 that OBS needs in order to run.


New Member
ok thank you for the help. i have an hp pavillion slimline and it is stock, i believe it has integrated graphics with the motherboard. so thank you for your time again.