Question / Help My stream is lagging


New Member
I am trying to stream League of legends. While I play I do not receive any lag, unless I used Alt-tab to have OBS in front of lol, in which case I get 15-16 fps (Down from 60).

People who watched my stream also reported lag, but I do not know if it is as much as I get when I have OBS over lol.

I would really like to get at least 30 FPS on the stream if thats possible.
GPU: Amd radeon 6800
CPU: Intel I5 750
16 gigabytes of DDR3 RAM
Nothing is overheating

My base resolution is 1920 x 1080, downscaled to 640 x 360 I still get lag
Max bitrate is 1000 and 1300 buffer size
I am streaming from Denmark and chose Amsterdam as the server

My upload speed is .80 mbs, so that is probably why it lags but there must be a way to deal with that.
Well you must set it lower than your max uploadspeed, because you also want to play lol wich also uses bandwith.
(to avoid lag, but the quality of your stream will also go down with that)

And perhaps test your actual upload speed at (dont forget to select a testserver closes to your location in the top of that website)


New Member
try thinking of your bitrates like money you cant spend more than you have (in theory) so by having your bitrates higher in OBS than you actual available bandwidth you are trying to accomplish the impossible.

your using your bandwidth to do online (the more you have the better your connection to a game)
2.send the video you are encoding to twitch.(the more the better)
3.send audio at the bitrate you set at.(the more the better)
4.browse the web or use any web based programmes.(the less of these extra web based functions you have running the better)

so as you can see you need to allocate your bitrates accordingly.

with only 0.85 to work with you are very limited.

360p at 29-30 fps
aac audio encoding at 96
bitrate of 500 CBR

this would mean that at you will be using at least 596 of you 850 internet to just stream and it will unlikely be pleasent to view (however many people will be able to watch as it is a low bitrate)

there really should be a minimum connection speed requirement of 1000kbps to stream but good luck and happy streaming.