My settings for gaming on Twitch (Working)


New Member
Hi there,

After abit of problems here and there I got everything to run fine so far.

I've been streaming Starcraft 2 with no problems at all, but when it comes to Diablo 3 or World of Warcraft I got disconnected and heavy lags. Thats over now, and my settings is this:

Computer and Internet
iMac i5, 2.8 Ghz (running Windows 7 64-bit on Bootcamp)
12 GB DDR3 Ram

Located in Denmark,
My connecting is 112/12 mbit, which gives my best results in Amsterdam/Frankfurt
Check your best connection here:

OBSProject Settings
I use Game Capture Mode
In settings I have Quality set to 10,
Max and min. bitrate to 3000
Audio is set to AAC, 96 bitrate

My resolution is 2560x1440 downscaled to 1280x720 because Im not a partner on Twitch so resolutions over that would not make any sense - And my FPS is 30

In Advanced I checked Multithreaded Optimazations, using veryfast CPU preset.
Everything else here is unchecked.

Now, I have not a lot of knowledge regarding streaming or audio/video encoding. I just play around with settings till I have no ingame lag, either stream lag - so everything above works for me.

Any tips or questions are welcome
and if you wanna see my stream, I can be found at

Thanks :)
P.s. great bigazz shoutout to the creators of OBS Project!