Bug Report MWO not a Captured Game


New Member
I have been trying to stream MechWarrior online, and i try to use the game capture but MWO does not show up as a game to be captured, and has terrible frame rate problems if just streamed as desktop in a Full Screen Windowed mode. I have tried it in all forms (windowed, full screen and windowed full screen) and nothing seems to work. So simply put my question/concern is why isn't MWO seen as a game to be captured?

Thanks for any help.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I'm not entirely sure to be honest, probably a bug with the way you have to select windows, it's actually kind of annoying, I plan on making it more like a hotkey-style thing where you press a hotkey to start/stop capturing a specific game.


New Member
As it turns out, I'm blind and cant read the description under game capture where it says "application require administrator access to capture", So everything is good now, knew it must have been me somehow.