Question / Help Muting mumble on stream


New Member
I've read about 100 pages worth of guides over the past few days trying to get this to work. Strangely, to me at seems like the problem might be with mumble. Here's my current setup:

1 Virtual audio cable set as my default device in my windows sound settings. One audio repeater set up to forward VAC 1 to my headphones. In mumble, I have set my headphones (Labeled as speakers) as the output device.

The problem is that no matter which device I select as the output device in mumble, sound is being output to the Default device. So even though my speakers are selected as the output device, the sound is going to my VAC 1. I've also tried using a second Virtual Audio Cable as my mumble output, and it still outputs to the default device.

Is this a common problem? Hopefully I'm doing something wrong and this isn't a problem with mumble.

EDIT: Oh yeah one thing I forgot to add. I tried doing the same thing with Teamspeak instead of mumble and it worked perfectly, so I know it has something to do with mumble and not my VAC setup. Now if only my guild used teamspeak....


The Helping Squad
Hmm, not sure we can really help you with this problem. You have to talk to the mumble developers how this can happen. In all tests with mumble it worked fine for me.

(Also another person I just responded to, also splits it: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6685)