MultiTrack Audio Support would be nice.


New Member
Idea in detail:
To have the audio from the mic and audio from the computer save under two different tracks.

There are multiple times that I wish I could easily edit the voice audio without effecting the game audio and vice versa. I presently have a workaround for this where I would mute the mic on OBS and have the mic be recorded through another software, but syncing the sound back can get "unnecessarily" repetitive.


Community Helper
This has been suggestion a multitude of times and will eventually be added to OBS Multiplatform.


New Member
This has been suggestion a multitude of times and will eventually be added to OBS Multiplatform.

My apologies for this then. I looked through the forums to see if somebody already suggested this. I must have missed it or something.

Something that could probably be a good idea is have a list of the planned implementations linked to the Suggestions section as well. You know, unless there already is one and I am just completely blind as a bat, haha.