Question / Help Multiple Tracks & Desktop Audio (5 Tracks +)


New Member
Dear OBS Developers and/or whomever is reading,

I am looking for some assistance setting up my OBS for both Recording and Streaming. I will try to explain as detailed as possible what i want to achieve and what i have done till now.

What i want to achieve:
I am looking for a way to both record and stream at the same time, a feature that OBS can easily provide. My issue though? I don't want my recordings to be exactly the same as the Stream's ones.
While streaming, i want to be able to do the following:
  • Stream my video
  • and output the following audio:
  • My Voice
  • My gameplay sound
  • My friends voices from Skype/Discord/Teamspeak e.t.c
  • Random music played in the background
For streaming, i don't care about the tracks, so all of the above could be blend in together as two tracks. One for the Voice, and one for the Video. (I believe that this is already how OBS works).

At the same time though, i want to keep a local recording that i can use to upload to Facebook, but modified every time depending on what the purpose of the video is. As result i may need to remove for example in some places my friends voices, in other places to remove the music and add a different one, to silence the gameplay audio e.t.c
The above means that in my final local save i need to have the following Audio tracks:
  • My Voice (Microphone)
  • Gameplay sound
  • My friends voices from Skype/Discord/Teamspeak e.t.c
  • Random Music played in the background
My Setup:
I do not have purchased any MixAmps (i think that's how it is called) to do my audio splitting. Instead i am using VoiceMeeter Banana with the two Virtual Audio Cables ( Cable A [Communications Cable] & Cable B [Music Cable])

The following images may assist you on understanding how i have everything set-up:

My Issue:
It seems though that the available Tracks are not enough to both Combine my Audio for the stream and create a new track for the music. There are only 4 Tracks, and it seems that i require 5.
At the same time, on the Audio Settings there are only 2 Desktop Audios, so i can't find a way to add my Music Stream as a separate track.

I am really hoping that you can help me out. I am sure that someone out there might have dealt with this similar issue. There could be a plugin or a way of doing what i am trying to achieve, but i am not sure where to find it.

I am new to Voicemeeter and OBS, so excuse me if i've done something stupid.

Thanks a lot for anyone that read this thread, thank you for your time.

Kind regards,


Active Member
Additional audio devices can be added as sources in scenes (Audio Input for mic and Audio Output for speaker/headphone style)


New Member
Additional audio devices can be added as sources in scenes (Audio Input for mic and Audio Output for speaker/headphone style)
Hey again Harold.

What you said worked like a charm recording wise. Unfortunately though, it seems that it still doesn't give me one extra spot on the Audio Tracks, so i can not combine the 4 tracks together for the stream :/
Is there another way to combine the tracks ?

Kind regards,