Question / Help Multiple Streaming simultaneously


New Member
I saw a video on youtube showing a globe marked as a new giving option to multiple streaming to different platforms simultaneously, however, I installed OBS Studio but this option is not available. Can anyone please confirm how this option can be activated?


Tomasz Góral

Active Member
OBS send to only one stream, but when change setting in record you can send to second server.
Optional use local nginx-rtmp and send rtmp stream to any and how many need service.


Active Member
OBS Studio can currently only natively send to one streaming service at a time. Multi-endpoint streaming is on the requested list though.


I saw a video on youtube showing a globe marked as a new giving option to multiple streaming to different platforms simultaneously, however, I installed OBS Studio but this option is not available. Can anyone please confirm how this option can be activated?


You can install a second and how many portable OBS your machine holds. Then set each one for a different streaming service. You can link them using NDI or another method. Some use a server nginx you install on your PC, but I've tried a lot and couldn't get it to work properly. I couldn't find an easy, well explained way to install and run nginx.


you'll need to compile nginx with rtmp module, which has not been in development for quite some time but it a) still works great b) still is the mode supported on services as twitch. SRT is set to take over, and i think some have done their own compile of obs and third party srt , but i havent seen any nginx compatible "module" equivalent to that of the rtmp module for nginx, *yet*.

An alternative is also to setup a VM, instead of a separate physical pc, that hosts as incoming for obs that ships streams out over rtmp to various services. It seems to work great for some, albeit at a latency and overhead cost of running the vm and the latency penalty to the os. But if input lag and such isnt a concern, i'd go that route.


you'll need to compile nginx with rtmp module, which has not been in development for quite some time but it a) still works great b) still is the mode supported on services as twitch. SRT is set to take over, and i think some have done their own compile of obs and third party srt , but i havent seen any nginx compatible "module" equivalent to that of the rtmp module for nginx, *yet*.

An alternative is also to setup a VM, instead of a separate physical pc, that hosts as incoming for obs that ships streams out over rtmp to various services. It seems to work great for some, albeit at a latency and overhead cost of running the vm and the latency penalty to the os. But if input lag and such isnt a concern, i'd go that route.

You don't need to set virtual machines, just install as many OBS portable versions as you want and your machine holds.