Multiple sources from single device


New Member
Hello everybody and let me first tell you that you've made a great piece of software.

I've been using OBS now for quite some time and noticed one area, where a relatively small fix could provide a pretty good improvement in ease and convenience of use: the ability to have multiple sources from a single device. Let me clarify what I mean below.

I use OBS with a PCIe video capture card, which has multiple input ports (composite in, s-video in, component in and HDMI in) and two "profiles" (SD capture for composite and s-video and HD capture for component and HDMI), which act something like separate devices. Both of these profiles can be added to OBS as separate sources that have their own settings (e.g. resolution, fps, image flipping, etc).

The "problem" emerges when I want to switch between different video output devices that utilise the same profile, e.g. a 720p HDMI connection and a 480p component connection - both use the HD capture profile, so they are the same source in OBS. Because of this, I need to change settings (resolution, fps, etc) of the HD capture source every time that I'm going from a 720p HDMI connection to a 480p component connection, which sucks.

It would be much easier having multiple saved pre-configured sources (e.g. "Source #1 - 720p HDMI" and "Source #2 - 480p component") for that single HD capture profile, so that it would take only clicking at appropriate checkboxes (to disable one source and enable the other) to switch between different video output devices.


Community Helper
Are the sources set as global sources? My guess (without looking) would be that the behavior you're expecting would happen if neither source were global.


New Member
The result is the same if I use either global or non-global sources - OBS doesn't let me save another source for the same "device". Only the messages changes, depending on the combination of global or regular sources, with the variants being:

  • A global source using this device already exists.
  • A source using this device already exists.
  • This device is currently being used as a source in one or more scenes.
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