When I setup a stream, I like to have four separate pictures for each game that I play. (Opener, Closer, Brb, and Technical Difficulties) I thought having multiple profiles would be just the thing to do this. However, even though I followed the directions from the Help Contents, when I change one profile, it changes all of them.
I had 4 different profiles, so you can imagine my horror when I went through all of them to find they only retained what I changed last.
I have even tested this out. Creating one and putting all the scenes together. I save it. Then I went into Gen settings, changed the name, clicked the Add button, and then Ok to exit out of the settings menu. I changed one thing and saved it. When I went back to the other profile, I saw no difference between them. >_<;
Am I doing something wrong? I wish there was a way to make overwriting profiles foolproof.
Thanks for your time.
I had 4 different profiles, so you can imagine my horror when I went through all of them to find they only retained what I changed last.
I have even tested this out. Creating one and putting all the scenes together. I save it. Then I went into Gen settings, changed the name, clicked the Add button, and then Ok to exit out of the settings menu. I changed one thing and saved it. When I went back to the other profile, I saw no difference between them. >_<;
Am I doing something wrong? I wish there was a way to make overwriting profiles foolproof.
Thanks for your time.