Multiple output streams


New Member
Greetings. If I may - let me start with an information item - er, I'm an Idiot (blush).
Recognising I'm an Idiot, and have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, I recognise that one or more of the following potential issues are likely to apply to my comment:

1: What I'm about to suggest/ ask/ say is really, really stupid :-)
2: What I'm about to suggest/ ask/ say is impossible, can't be done, and any fule would know that without asking :-)
3: What I'm about to suggest/ ask/ say is impossible, has _already_ been done, and any fule would know that without asking :-)
4: What I'm about to suggest/ ask/ say has already been asked and answered, asked and not answered, or asked and put everyone reading into fits of giggles on many occasions in the past, so....
5: I'm an Idiot (blush :-P)

Phew. That's that out of the way :-). So what was it I was going to suggest/ ask/ say?
First, my main interest in OBS isn't directly in respect of streaming. Or at least, not streaming directly. Which probably lets everyone reading stop, um, reading right now :-). My main interest is to use it for local recording of streams, so I can use the output as part of video generating and compositing. Yes, there are other products (FRAPS being only one of them), but I can see possible advantages in something like OBS.
What I'd like to do, in an ideal world, is to set a scene with multiple cameras (so far OBS is nodding its head wisely and saying 'yup - I can do that :-) ). But I'd like to have those multiple cameras (Windows/ game sessions/ screen areas) send video output to their own individual files _simultaneously_, rather than a single local output file that records the view of whichever camera is selected at the time. I can see all sorts of potential issues with multiple audio streams, but I can see all sorts of pluses with being able to record (yes, and maybe even stream in some sort of split screen or PIP mode) multiple camera positions. For post-prod I could use the multiple outputs and transition between them in post-prod depending on what captured the best shots when, rather than having to try to switch between cameras live and actively.
Something of the same effect could, perhaps, be generated if it were possible (and as far as I know it isn't, but I may well be wrong) to run multiple instances of OBS, each with one window/ game/ screen area ('camera') loaded and each sending output to a different file, but my gut feel was that not only didn't I think OBS could multi-session at this time, but the overhead (CPU and otherwise) of having multiple sessions with multiple command and control sets of processes, plus the requirement for even more screen real estate (to be able to see and switch between each instance easily) might be even more problematic. Of course, I'm probably wrong :-).
Phew. There. In the event any of that anybody was patient enough to stick with me this far, that the above made any sense at all, and that any readers are actually still able to type through their laughter/ tears of amazement that anyone could be quite so stupid as to type it at all - thoughts? Comments? Yes, including 'You're an Idiot' :-) :-)


Community Helper
You can run multiple instances of OBS by opening the properties of your OBS shortcut and appending "-multi" to the end of the the Target.

You are correct that running multiple instances will greatly increase CPU usage.
is there any sort of Linux based stream/data repeater that would allow us to stream to the repeater, then have the repeater send to Twitch/uStream/YouTube, as long as the originating stream is in a common format compatible with all 3 services? I seem to remember finding one a week ago, but forgot to bookmark the page talking about it


New Member
I'd love to have the ability to record a local high quality stream and an actual stream to, let's say twitch.
It's really annoying not being able to switch on configurations on the fly.

A profile system like in Teamspeak would be nice


Community Helper
OBS does have a profile system. That's what the Profiles thing on the General Settings page and the Profiles menu on the menu bar are for.


New Member
That's not how i mean this.
The idea is to be able to make multiple setups for video and audio and run them at the same time.
As in one profile with audio and video for a twitch stream and another profile for local HD recording.
So for my default profile i can set multiple recording profiles, which are all active.


Community Helper
Well, of course...when this is implemented, that will likely be how it is done. I'm not sure I understand what Teamspeak's profile system has to do with it, though, since as far as I know you can't use multiple Teamspeak profiles at once.


New Member
It was a bad example I'm sorry. I am looking forward to this addition, it will make streaming and archiving much more convenient besides the possibility to stream to multiple services at once. :)