Question / Help Multiple live streams in one


New Member
How can I add multiple live streams into one that way we can stream different views of the action.


Town drunk
This is a very complicated set up that requires setting up your own RTMP server and such for now. There's no built in way for OBS to accept RTMP feeds directly, and it may not happen for a while.

Dodgepong has posted a guide on setting up your own RTMP server in the guides section that may be of use to you.


Community Helper
It is complicated, as Krazy said. I have my own RTMP server that cameras stream their perspective to, and then I mix together the perspectives using vMix.

If you are doing this for casting, though, it gets even more complicated since there is a delay to the streams, and you have to introduce a delay to caster audio so that it syncs up correctly...