Multiple Audio Inputs


New Member
So, not to beat a dead horse, (and just to get some clarification), it seems like adding more than two audio inputs will be implemented once the refactor is released (however long that takes ... I'm patient as long as it works!)

It would be neat to just see a mixer, rather than have "desktop" and "microphone/auxiliary" inputs to just have a window like the system audio panel where you could set volumes for all of your audio inputs.

In settings, audio section (and can also be added to main interface), have a "Manage Audio Sources" button which opens the audio mixer. The mixer is where a user can add audio devices to his stream and manipulate volumes of each device independently (similar to the current desktop / microphone functionality).

Add Audio Capture // User clicks this somewhere, either file menu or audio menu or via the mixer itself

Nickname: [_Desktop Audio____________] // text field
Source: [_Default Device________[ v ] // drop down with *all* audio devices listed
Volume: [----------------------[]----------] 75% // slider bar that can be manipulated prior to adding the device

[ Add to Mixer ]

If *all* audio devices are not able to populate the drop down, just have a selection box similar to the one that was just added to OBS 0.59 (an input/output list toggle). User repeats this for each audio device he wants to add to the stream. Let's say he adds four devices. He will have a mixer with four devices, each with the Nickname above a vertical (or horizontal) volume slider and an "enable/disable/mute" check box at the bottom.

In fact, using the default Windows mixer, here's a concept for what the OBS Refactor Audio Mixer could look like.


In theory could support as many inputs as a user wanted to add, easy to manage, could have a link on the main interface to quickly open this window up and/or even be able to set a hot key to pop it open... would allow users to very easily create whatever kind of audio experience for their stream that they wanted.

Could also have little [x]'s in the top right of each input so users could remove them, and I haven't included a mock-up of the menu bar (though all you'd really need would be an "add source" button).

Anyways, I don't mean to pester. And I know this isn't coming soon. But I wanted to present an idea in case you were stumped, or maybe to inspire you to allow this level of audio input flexibility in the refactor.



Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
The rewrite will have a proper audio mixer, and the audio subsystem will be a bit better (though it's still incomplete as of this writing). I'm hoping to get rid of those damn "Mic sync fix hack" and "Use QPC timestamps" options. You will also be able to apply filters to any sound source.


New Member
Awesome! Can't wait.

Thanks for all the hard work, OBS is the best streaming software out right now and the refactor will make it absolutely unbeatable. I'll be donating to the project after Christmas.