i got a decent to bad PC, and i record locally videos every day, and stream every now and then.
I planned to make this thread to get help and help others in maxing out their FPS / quality.
i will be editing this first post with examples as i get em better for my PC.
first my network.
it's SONERA 24/1 (modem says 19000/1000)
now that's not optimum, but it is the best i can have, as in Finland we dont have over 1mbit upload.
then my PC:
3DMark Vantage: 4146p (4082gpu/4349cpu)
Intel DualCore e6750 @ 2,66GHz (OC'd to 2,88GHz)
someshitty DDR2 @ 361MHz (x1) 4x1Gb
Ati Radeon HD5570 OC'd to MAX with Catalyst OC program
running windows 7 64bit.
(getting upgrade in january to 8Gb DDR3 1333 + OC'ing my cpu to 3-3,5GHz)
Games that i record:
Natural Selection 2 (1080p lowest of the low graphic settings) 20'ish FPS whitout streaming 10-15 with streaming
Starcraft 2 (1080p medium to high graphic settings) 60+ whitout 30+ with streaming
i rarely stream my playing as it gives me much higher ping as it stucks my upload almost completely.
Qualitys i run:
2000/4000 Q8
720p 28FPS
500/4000 Q8
480p 24FPS
Natural Selection 2:
Software capture:
Game capture:
Starcraft 2:
FPS drop in NS2 is huge, tho the game ain't ready yet.
but the sound is not laggy at all, so i wonder what is dropping the FPS
i seem to have laggy frames 90-99%
wha who how ?
-using Game Capture in NS2 increases playable FPS by 2-5 and reduces frames that "lag" from 99%->35%
i got a decent to bad PC, and i record locally videos every day, and stream every now and then.
I planned to make this thread to get help and help others in maxing out their FPS / quality.
i will be editing this first post with examples as i get em better for my PC.
first my network.
it's SONERA 24/1 (modem says 19000/1000)

now that's not optimum, but it is the best i can have, as in Finland we dont have over 1mbit upload.
then my PC:
3DMark Vantage: 4146p (4082gpu/4349cpu)
Intel DualCore e6750 @ 2,66GHz (OC'd to 2,88GHz)
someshitty DDR2 @ 361MHz (x1) 4x1Gb
Ati Radeon HD5570 OC'd to MAX with Catalyst OC program
running windows 7 64bit.
(getting upgrade in january to 8Gb DDR3 1333 + OC'ing my cpu to 3-3,5GHz)
Games that i record:
Natural Selection 2 (1080p lowest of the low graphic settings) 20'ish FPS whitout streaming 10-15 with streaming
Starcraft 2 (1080p medium to high graphic settings) 60+ whitout 30+ with streaming
i rarely stream my playing as it gives me much higher ping as it stucks my upload almost completely.
Qualitys i run:
2000/4000 Q8
720p 28FPS
500/4000 Q8
480p 24FPS
Natural Selection 2:
Software capture:
=====Stream Start=====================================================================
Multithreaded optimizations: On
Base resolution: 1280x720
Output resolution: 1280x720
Loading up D3D10...
Using auxilary audio input: Microphone (2- USB Audio Device)
Audio Encoding: AAC
bitrate: 128
Using graphics capture
Using text output
Using bitmap image
Using text output
Using Slide Show
Using text output
Video Encoding: x264
fps: 28
width: 1280, height: 720
preset: veryfast
CBR: no
max bitrate: 2000
buffer size: 4000
quality: 8
Total frames rendered: 235, number of frames that lagged: 175 (74.47%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
=====Stream End=======================================================================
Game capture:
=====Stream Start=====================================================================
Multithreaded optimizations: On
Base resolution: 1280x720
Output resolution: 1280x720
Loading up D3D10...
Using auxilary audio input: Microphone (2- USB Audio Device)
Audio Encoding: AAC
bitrate: 128
Using graphics capture
Using text output
Using bitmap image
Using text output
Using Slide Show
Using text output
Video Encoding: x264
fps: 28
width: 1280, height: 720
preset: veryfast
CBR: no
max bitrate: 2000
buffer size: 4000
quality: 8
Total frames rendered: 8023, number of frames that lagged: 2765 (34.46%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
=====Stream End=======================================================================
Starcraft 2:
=====Stream Start=====================================================================
Multithreaded optimizations: On
Base resolution: 1920x1080
Output resolution: 1280x720
Loading up D3D10...
Using auxilary audio input: Microphone (2- USB Audio Device)
Audio Encoding: AAC
bitrate: 128
Using Window Capture
Using bitmap image
Using bitmap image
Using text output
Using text output
Using Slide Show
Video Encoding: x264
fps: 28
width: 1280, height: 720
preset: veryfast
CBR: no
max bitrate: 2000
buffer size: 4000
quality: 8
Using text output
Using bitmap image
Total frames rendered: 6946, number of frames that lagged: 565 (8.13%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
=====Stream End=======================================================================
Open Broadcaster Software v0.461a - 32bit (´・ω・`)
CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz
CPU Speed: 2666MHz
Physical Memory: 4030MB Total, 1031MB Free
stepping id: 11, model 15, family 6, type 0, extmodel 0, extfamily 0, HTT 1, logical cores 2, total cores 2
Windows Version: 6.1 Build 7601 S
Aero is Disabled
Adapter 1
Video Adapter: ATI Radeon HD 5570
Video Adapter Dedicated Video Memory: 1063890944
Video Adapter Shared System Memory: 1844928512
=====Stream Start=====================================================================
Multithreaded optimizations: On
Base resolution: 1920x1080
Output resolution: 852x480
Loading up D3D10...
Using auxilary audio input: Microphone (2- USB Audio Device)
Audio Encoding: AAC
bitrate: 128
Using Monitor Capture
Using text output
Using bitmap image
Using text output
Video Encoding: x264
fps: 24
width: 852, height: 480
preset: veryfast
CBR: no
max bitrate: 500
buffer size: 4000
quality: 8
Using bitmap image
Using Slide Show
Using text output
Warning -- graphics.MeasureString failed: 2
Warning -- TextSource::UpdateTexture: bad texture sizes apparently, very strange
Warning -- graphics.MeasureString failed: 2
Warning -- TextSource::UpdateTexture: bad texture sizes apparently, very strange
New Scene
Using Window Capture
Using bitmap image
Using bitmap image
Using text output
Using text output
Using Slide Show
Using text output
Using bitmap image
New Scene
Using Monitor Capture
Using text output
Using bitmap image
Using text output
Using Slide Show
Using text output
Total frames rendered: 24252, number of frames that lagged: 3490 (14.39%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
=====Stream End=======================================================================
FPS drop in NS2 is huge, tho the game ain't ready yet.
but the sound is not laggy at all, so i wonder what is dropping the FPS
i seem to have laggy frames 90-99%
wha who how ?
-using Game Capture in NS2 increases playable FPS by 2-5 and reduces frames that "lag" from 99%->35%