Question / Help MP4 corrupts after end


New Member

I had a stream of aprx. 7.5 hours yesterday. When I finished I hit stop stream than clicked on the X to close OBC. It crashed and I chose to force close it. After that the output MP4 file simply can not be opened. I was roaming the net to find some program that can fix it. As I know it requires some kind of finishing info, to be closed.
What program do you suggest? What can I do?


Community Helper
I recommend you save your videos as FLV so you don't have this problem, and then convert them to MP4 afterwards, which you can do quickly and without re-encoding.


New Member
I found out I should switch to FLV but my current MP4 is still broken, do you have suggestion for that?


Active Member
I've had this problem after my internet crapped out for some reason. OBS didn't recover properly and crashed after it failed to reconnect to the streaming server. The .flv is a good idea and I'll have to start doing that soon.