Question / Help Moving Video / Image or watermark to play on live stream


OK so I am looking for some info on how to make a moving image or watermark for my streams,
I am not sure how to explain what I mean but something that will be in the corner of the stream and will cycle through and have an image and then say be sure to follow, and subscribe, etc.
I have seen this before I can post an example if you are not sure what I mean.

Here is an example, its above his webcam you may need to skip forward a bit. it changes with effects and stuff.


The Helping Squad
Gif animation, Movie, text source, all is possible I guess.
Just depends on the amount of animation you want to add.


Yea I was thinking something like this, I was kinda hoping to be pointed to a tutorial or atleast in the right direction on how to achieve this. Thanks again


The easiest way is to add a text. It will look boring but it works.
Anything else can be done with some work. You can use an image with your icon/nickname, make it transparent or what ever you like and plant it in the corner of your scene.
Just add a picture to the scene and play with the settings. Once you got it, you can ask someone to create a nice looking picture for you or look on youtube - tutorials for any software and any function are avaliable.
Try GIMP, free image editing software just like Photoshop (and search on youtube for a tutorial). More than enough to create a nice picture with your nickname :-)

If you ever watched League of Legends or other games, some streamer use an overlay - its a basic picture with some gif pictures on top of it.

It is used on top of the game with some extra stuff like camera and chat capture or advertising pictures on top of it (the Razer logo is already here, but can be done extra).
This is a lot of work and takes some skill to create, but if you want something small and nice it can be done in 20min.
