Moving the source around in the preview space.


New Member

I'm using a C985 AverMedia Live Gamer HD capture Card thingy, and as you could see in the OBS' preview space I have a Black bars on the left and top sides of that preview space, Its really annoying and can't fix it whether I chose to capture monitor 1 or a custom Screen Resolution, I can't get rid of the abnormal aspect ratio ? I think that's what to call it. Aspect ratio. It would all be fine cause with my monitor, that is a 19 inch LCD TV. connected to my PC through HDMI w/ resolution to 1176h x 664w. I had my start menu/Task bar thing up while taking this screenshot to show that the space is still capturing the whole deal, just in a different placement.
I hope I explained this well enough for someone or the maker of OBS to understand. This feature would be a big plus to place overlays of transparent pictures like logos to the streamers page. I'd love to support this program fully but I cannot stream like that is showing. :(
I'll be using xsplit still, being lonely and all with that capture system. :(
ANYWAYS, OBS is off to a GREAT start ! I hope it gets better.

Thanks for the Time taken to read me, PEACE. Happy Streaming! JukkaTibbs~


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I actually unfortunately didn't understand the problem. In the screenshot, it seems that your base resolution is smaller than your capture resolution or something. You'd just need to select the appropriate resolution in your settings. If you want to switch back and forth between resolutions, you actually can choose and switch between the settings simply by using different profiles.


Forum Admin
Press "Edit Scene" to move things around. Your problem is likely originating from overscan settings on your source.


New Member
Alrighty, I haven't found a edit scene option, But I'll keep at it until I find something that works still
But Yeah I can understand how that was confusing now that I read it, Officially saving up for a new monitor as of today!

EDIT: OMGOMGOMG, Edit Scene is right there on the front !! >_< That just saved me so much trouble of math in resolution sizes. I feel stupid. Thanks
XD. Since my resolution on the actual screen shows the black aspect ratio bars in real life, it was all messy on there.... So the top left corner was matching up with the top left corner of OBS, But I just needed to click that edit scene and then drag the screen through OBS into the correct position. I think I was just over looking everything pressing buttons to see if anything changed. since you need a input on the edit scene button, I guess I just figured that wouldn't help me after all, But IT DID!!!
I feel like streaming.