I have read through 10 pages of forums and have not found this issue posted. Will not have the log posted now but will in about an hour when I return home. I mainly play Blops 2 and Tera Online. During turning moments in the game I noticed the picture gets blurred.
i7 2600 @3.2
8g 1333 ram
Nividia 760
Windows 7 64bit
(Think that is about all you need that spec wise)
I capture through the game source and not windows capture @ 1920x1080 and down scale to 720(Also tried changing from 1280x720 and no downscale but still play my games in 1920x1080)
Aero disabled
CBR checked and no customer bit buffer
I have changed bitrate from 2000-3500 and still notice the blur each VOD/Local Recording
Have changed from 60fps to 30fps. 30fps not as noticable but the stream is not as smooth seems choppy
I have tried using Dxtory for the capture feed and still had the same issue.
Wanted to get some of this started as sometimes it takes time for views and replies. Will post the Log stuff you ask for in about an hour. If needed to test different settings with different logs let me know and I can do so.
If something brings a WTF to your mind. Im zombie mode 2 hours of sleep since Sunday night!
Thanks to those who try to help.
Also I tried using xsplit free mode at the 29.97 or what fps setting they give and didn't notice this blur. I would love to obs as its free and like the layout/options better!
I have read through 10 pages of forums and have not found this issue posted. Will not have the log posted now but will in about an hour when I return home. I mainly play Blops 2 and Tera Online. During turning moments in the game I noticed the picture gets blurred.
i7 2600 @3.2
8g 1333 ram
Nividia 760
Windows 7 64bit
(Think that is about all you need that spec wise)
I capture through the game source and not windows capture @ 1920x1080 and down scale to 720(Also tried changing from 1280x720 and no downscale but still play my games in 1920x1080)
Aero disabled
CBR checked and no customer bit buffer
I have changed bitrate from 2000-3500 and still notice the blur each VOD/Local Recording
Have changed from 60fps to 30fps. 30fps not as noticable but the stream is not as smooth seems choppy
I have tried using Dxtory for the capture feed and still had the same issue.
Wanted to get some of this started as sometimes it takes time for views and replies. Will post the Log stuff you ask for in about an hour. If needed to test different settings with different logs let me know and I can do so.
If something brings a WTF to your mind. Im zombie mode 2 hours of sleep since Sunday night!
Thanks to those who try to help.
Also I tried using xsplit free mode at the 29.97 or what fps setting they give and didn't notice this blur. I would love to obs as its free and like the layout/options better!