
Bill Kochman

New Member
Once I update to the new Monterey (and newest OBS) my stream dropped to only sending one frame of video every 3 to 30 seconds. The audio was fine.
I'm using my daughter's Macbook air to livestream until an update comes out...
I have encountered a very similar problem regarding frame rate when I stream to Facebook. It didn't occur to me that the problem might possibly be Monterey itself. I just updated to 12.2.1 yesterday. I assumed -- perhaps erroneously so -- that the problem is either Internet congestion somewhere, or else maybe Facebook's servers being bogged down due to so many http requests. But like, my frame rate would wildly fluctuate between 0 and 30, resulting in many stalls in the stream. As a result, I have for the most part given up on live streaming to Facebook. I wonder if live streaming to YouTube would be any better.


New Member
I was livestreaming to youtube. I just tried it again to see if OBS had been updated and it does it on my preview stream too before even trying to start the stream. Everything works fine on my daughter's 5 year old Macbook Air.