Bug Report Monitor resolution not recognised


New Member

I just installed OBS and tried to set it up. But there seems to be a problem with the resolution. I have a 4K monitor, but the maximal Base (Canvas) Resolution offered by OBS is 1920x1080. When I start recording, only the upper left part of the screen is captured. Also the UI is messed up: the controls menu on the bottom right is not responsive except when I make it floating, and the menus at the top have disappeared.

Any ideas?


New Member
I had a similar issue on Debian buster. Latest nvidia drivers (455.38) and 3180x2160 monitor, but max base canvas resolution in OBS was 2560x1440. Luckily, you can simply type in your resolution if it doesn't appear as an option. Thanks to the folks on the OBS Discord for helping me with that one!