Bug Report Monitor Capture breaks at times when going Exclusive Fullscreen (Games)


I have been experiencing this for quite some months now.
Basically the error is "gs_duplicator_update_frame: Failed to update frame (887A0001)"
The result is that the Monitor Capture will simple show the last image (i think) over and over, making it a still image.
Mouse Cursor is however normal if that's active.

I don't remember ever experiencing this on old OBS, and not in OBS Studio until some months ago,
maybe i was just lucky, but i doubt it (at least in old OBS).

The issue appears randomly, some games seems to make it appear more often when going fullscreen, but it's not consistent so i am not sure if that's just random or if there is something that plays a role.
The games it has happened for me that i know is Payday 2 and Elder Scrolls Online,
but probably others as well i guess, just that i played those a lot so that's what i remember.

It only happens when going fullscreen, it doesn't happen when you already are in fullscreen,
so if you get to it without the issue you are good to go, though alt tabbing and going up again have a chance of introducing it.

The only solution is to reset the Monitor Capture, either by changing Scene Collection, deleting and making a new Monitor Capture (simply a new will work but the old one is probably still broken),
or you can simple activate/deactivate Mouse capture and it will "Refresh" and work again.

So if it could be done codewise to simply "Refresh" when this error occurs that would most likely solve it i guess.
Sadly i can't give more information as i have no idea what's actually causing it and why it didn't happen before.

I got no exact date for when the issue started appearing,
but i know from a recording that i experienced it badly at 2015-09-07.
So it might be around there or the month before, though take that with a grain of salt.

Oh sorry didn't know this issue had been mentioned.

But great that i am not alone with it.

Seems like Windows 10 might be the bug provider than.

Currently i have modded the code so every time that issue happens it makes "Beeping" sounds,
this way i can "Refresh" the Monitor Capture to solve it. But it's completely hackish, but well it works for now i guess.