MKV File Corruption


New Member

I'm not sure if posting this here (and tagging it Bug Report) is the correct place, so please correct me if needed.

I have had a number of compatibility issues in the past in FCPX with the MP4 files I get from remux-ing an MKV out of OBS. I decided to try different app to convert the MKV to MP4 instead and had a weird result. Let me start with the OBS result:

A 48:36 MKV remuxed in OBS came out at the correct 48:36, but often froze my editor unless I also converted to ProRes before importing. As I have used MP4s before with good results it seemed something was weird with the actual MP4.

That's when I decided to try the Mac app Permute.

Converting with Permute:

The same 48:36 MKV would stop converting at 30:32 and say it was "Done". I contacted the Permute developer and sent him the MKV file to help him find any issue in his app, but his response was:

"The file you've sent had some minor corruption. I recommend reporting this to OBS, perhaps they can address this as well."

He also stated this about getting the MKV to fully convert:

"I use a 3rd party tool for the conversions rather than Apple's frameworks directly, I was able to find a solution for this".

Anyway, I just thought I would mention it here.