Question / Help Mircrophone Noice


New Member

i'm new to OBS and already have my stream seted up.
But i have a huge issue with my mircrophone.

When my Microphoen is open and i dont say a anything, the program is increasing the sensitivty untill he gwets a signal,
the bad thing on it is now it's a bad noice there then. Liek swoosh.
I use a Roccat kave so it shouldnt be the headset.
I could use PPT to avoid this error but as a broadcaster PPT is pretty annoying.

Here are my preferences:

Codec ACC
Bitrate 192
Format 44.1khz

Mic/Auc to Mono : No
Mik./Aud. Boost : 1
Mic Time Offset: 0


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
The "high quality resampling" option in advanced may or may not help, try it out and see if it can. Otherwise, I've heard that webcams can occasionally interfere with the mic for some reason. It's a bit weird, so I'm not entirely sure what to suggest