Question / Help Minimum required downloading speed to upload? Mobile Internet


New Member
I realized a while ago that my uploading speed is pretty fast, but just today considered testing it. says my upload speed is around 14-16mb/s and my ping is pretty stable at 50-70ms (good or bad?). By stable I mean that once I connect, it doesn't change much (1ms changes). My main concern is if it will work with my download speed, or if I should hold off on streaming until I up my plan. My normal speed is about 1mb/s, but once I'm throttled, its more like 17kb/s max. Will OBS (or any streaming for that matter) work? Or should I just test it and come back with the results?

Thanks for taking the time to read this :)


Active Member
In order to stream effectively at 720p30, you need to maintain an UPLOAD of at least 2mbit to your streaming provider. If you're streaming to youtube to get access to higher resolutions and framerates you need higher upload. tests do NOT give reliable numbers for streaming.


New Member
The test failed to download the Twitch ingest list or something. I decided to just do a test upload and have a friend tell me if the streaming quality is OK. After changing a few minor settings, my friend said it uploads just fine at 1280x1024. I guess I'll have to take his word for it, as I can't download the video to check for myself. Thanks for taking the time to help me, Im guessing the download speed isn't much of a limiting factor. :)