Bug Report Minimized Capture


New Member
I wanted to optimize OBS to capture in at least 720p. Found a settings config that resulted in crisp 1080p 60frames captures. It worked fine for several days but lately it will not capture anything as a full box anymore. It will instead make it take up roughly one third of the screen in one corner and put a thick noticable black box filling up the rest of the space. I want to know how to fix this. I thought it might be a fluke but it happens no matter what game I capture, what quality settings I change in game or in OBS, what file type. Or what editor/viewing app I load the files into. So I know it's something with the file itself being captured this way. Even the OBS preview has it appearing shrunken and lifted up and to the left.



  • OBS Bug.PNG
    OBS Bug.PNG
    597.8 KB · Views: 34