Question / Help Minecraft and OBS


New Member
I streamed a lot of Minecraft (FTB) for version 1.5.2 with awesome FPS, upload and quality. Now in 1.6.2 MC even with no mods I get horrible FPS..why is this? Is there a setting I need to change? It acts like there is no memory left and I go from 300-800 down to 80 & extreme choppiness. I check task manager my CPU usage is 25% and memory is at whats up?


I7 3770K
24GB of RAM


20:42:26: max bitrate: 1500
20:42:26: buffer size: 1500
20:42:26: quality: 10
Is the primary thing I am puzzled about. Q-10 at 1500 Kbps? First of all, I personally don't believe in the viability of Q-10 for streaming purposes. It is fine for local recordings but for streaming it is just superfluous as there is a certain degree of quality loss you cannot avoid, under any circumstance. Q-10 will not solve that. I'd tone it down to Q-7 or Q-8.

Other than that -- there have been others experiencing weird issues with Minecraft in particular. Something about Java not playing nice with OBS. Could you try streaming again and keeping an eye on Java's memory use?

Finally, I don't see any substantial amount of framelag or frameloss. In fact, no frames were dropped and only a few lagged. So, it would appear to be fine. Do you have a VOD that shows this sluggishness or are you just experiencing it locally?


New Member
It causes my stream to lag..I checked the recording (it saves it on the sight). I thought it was just locally since my total memory usage isn't above 41% and cpu is below 30%.

Also when I stop streaming in OBS it causes MC to...not respond. It will about 1-2 minutes later.


That may in fact be that Java issue. Some major garbage collection from Java causing MC to stop responding or something? I don't know. I could not reproduce the Java issue. Not that I actively play Minecraft but I did try to reproduce the error. As far as I know, Jim is looking into it.


Well, we're not sure whether or not you're in the wrong forum or not. Personally, I do indeed believe it's a Java issue and it's up to Oracle to resolve it. However, there is no absolute guarantee it is not OBS. Or a combination of both. Which is why Jim was investigating the issue, last I checked.

By the way, once again I tried reproducing the error and I still couldn't. Can I ask you, how long were you playing Minecraft for when it hit that 15Gb memory footprint? Because for me, Java steadily climbed towards 1.3Gb and then stabilized there. Over the course of maybe 10 minutes or so. I don't have the patience for Minecraft. ;)


New Member
I just know its less than two hours. I never seen it do this.

I noticed that even when it was at 4GB for about 20m and I stopped streaming with OBS it did the unresponsive thing.


I meant the version, not the platform. ;)



That is just as fine. The website will tell you the exact version as well. But, to get that screen, just go into Start -> Programs -> Config. You'll find a Java button there. Click 'About'.


It meant the Java version, not the MC and OBS version. I am using MC 1.6.2 and the most recent OBS as well. But what Java version do you have?


Click Start, click Configuration Panel (or whatever it's called in the English version, I'm on a Dutch Win 7), click Programs/Software (again, or whatever it's called). There you will find the Java configuration button.


Exact same situation. Win 7 64-bit, 64-bit Java, 1.6.2 MC and yet, you're losing massive amounts of RAM to Java and for me it's perfectly stable. Makes you wonder just what the difference is. Almost beginning to wonder if maybe it's a Windows/Microsoft issue and not a Java/OBS/MC issue.

Assuming you have a legitimate Win 7, could you try running Windows Update and ensuring you're completely up to date?