Question / Help Microsoft Game DVR Equivalent?


For the past while (maybe a year or so), I haven't really used OBS Studio for one main reason: It's too laggy on my trashy laptop.

Instead, I found that the Microsoft Game DVR (basically what you get when you press win+G) is a LOT faster, and higher quality too. For some reason, I'm able to record in 1080p60fps on Microsoft's Game DVR no issue, but on the OBS Studio, even with the fastest settings (as far as I am aware, I probably set something wrong), I am unable to get 30fps consistent at 720p (Keep in mind that I usually do not record for games, though, I just record clips in Firefox and such to share if I need to). I think that there might be some setting that was used in the game DVR that I did not use in OBS Studio.

So, I was wondering that if I could get these settings, the OBS Studio recordings would be many times faster, or if OBS Studio is just simply going to always be slower than game DVR (which is 100% understandable considering that OBS comes with so many more features). I'm kind of fed up with how glitchy game DVR is right now, so I would really like to make the switch. Anyone have an answer? A link to another thread that may have already asked this question will also help (I tried googling the question, but could not seem to find such a thread)

Keep in mind, I have an i7-7500-U (laptop CPU) and the integrated HD 620 graphics that came with it.

Edit: I have some findings, which I think is actually due to OBS not utilizing some things that Microsoft game DVR does. I can't go over everything, but the main issue is that OBS does not use the Video Processing, Copy, and Video Decode chips nearly as much as Game DVR does. In fact, video processing is not used at all, and this actually seems to be the main difference. This seemed to also take a lot of load off of the GPU 3D when video encoding. Is there a way for OBS to add this, just for the intel CPU's, or is that too much work?
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