Bug Report Microphones auto-mutes after ~15minutes


New Member
Hi there, im using the software for local recording, and after i some issues with sync due to my webcam, now everything works smoothly, except the fact, that after ~15-20 minutes of recording my microphone mutes itself for about 5 seconds.
I KNOW that this does not happen because of my microphone or audio-interface etc. because i had an additional audacity-recording at the same time, which recorded everything.
so how can it be, that OBS mutes my mic for about 5 sec after about 15min of recording?
my audio-settings are completely on default, i use a 128bit mp3 codec for audio and in advanced settings i have activated the QPC timestamp.
Please help me out.
Kind Regards,

Edit: I tried it another few times and now it sometimes even mutes after 3minutes...


New Member
now it happened another time after 13 and after 24 minuts, so that almost seems to be random, but how can that happen? i mean i have the direct monitoring of my audio interface activated, so i can hear myself all the time and its just OBS, that somewhen mutes the mic :o


The Helping Squad
Can you please provide us with a logfile of when it happened. Also did you activate QPC timestamps for a reason?
Last but not least, what soundcard are you using?


Yeah he activated QPC in the first post. This is most likely the cause of the muting. If you get the following message in your log, "Audio timestamp for device '<device name>' was behind target timestamp by 10! Had to delete audio segment.", then you need to disable QPC or increase the scene buffering time.