Question / Help Microphone Sync + Volume issues


New Member
Originally, my problem was only that the microphone would stop recording after streaming for a couple of minutes, it would just go silent in OBS, but remain to work in windows.

Now I have that problem, and another one.

As I stream, my microphone audio becomes more and more out of sync, going up to about 10 seconds/hour. It's not just the streamed video that is delayed, but in the volume level monitor on OBS, even that is delayed. i.e If I clap, I won't see the levels spike for a good 10 seconds after streaming for a little while.

You could guess that this is really annoying. I have to use Xsplit if I want to use my mic which sucks because Xsplit is shit and a resource hog. The only other option is to run my mic through my speakers but then I have to listen to myself the entire time.

Edit: I guess I should note that I currently get around this by having my microphone set to listen, and playing it through line 1 in VAC, then having VAC repeat line 1 to line 2 and using line 2 as a microphone in OBS. This has the drawback of overflows and that god awful gritty sound when it happens, but it's the best I can do.


The Helping Squad
Well I know its just your workaround, but why do you send line1 to line2 and use line2 in obs instead of line1 directly?


The Helping Squad
Hmm thats interesting, if you check your Windows Sound devices, is there a VAC Line 1 maybe disabled in the recording section?
(Control Panel -> Sound (make sure you see Icons, not category view) -> Recording, and make sure you see disabled and disconnected devices)


New Member
Jack0r said:
Hmm thats interesting, if you check your Windows Sound devices, is there a VAC Line 1 maybe disabled in the recording section?
(Control Panel -> Sound (make sure you see Icons, not category view) -> Recording, and make sure you see disabled and disconnected devices)

I'm on a new computer and no longer have to use VAC and I still have synchronization issues. I checked CFR and force timestamps to desktop audio and the sound still desynchs the longer I stream the worse it gets.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I don't know if this is caused by VAC or something else at the moment, VAC in recent versions has been better about its old timestamping issue, so it shouldn't cause sync issues. Sync issues can also be caused by improper overclocks, though usually when that happens everything else is messed up as well, so I'm not entirely sure


New Member
Jim said:
I don't know if this is caused by VAC or something else at the moment, VAC in recent versions has been better about its old timestamping issue, so it shouldn't cause sync issues. Sync issues can also be caused by improper overclocks, though usually when that happens everything else is messed up as well, so I'm not entirely sure

I think I've found the source of the issue. After digging through other threads and theory crafting with OBS, I've found it's a USB audio specific problem, and I think it's caused by a Motherboard issue. I have an Asus M4A7 motherboard, and so do a few other people having this problem. There might be a coding problem or something with OBS that caused USB audio to desync the longer you're streaming/recording.

Xsplit doesn't have this problem, so I figure it's OBS specific. Please research it further, Jim! I love this program, and the day I can stop streaming by listening to myself in windows audio it the day I get a hardon for OBS!


New Member
Another update. The mic sync fix hack has made the audio synchronization spot on, however there is a constant and annoying popping/clicking sound whenever the audio... re-syncs itself or does whatever it is doing. Is there a planned fix for that part?

Thank you for the sync fix hack, regardless!