Question / Help Mic turns off sound?


New Member
I have a Macbook Pro 15 2012 running Windows 7 with all the sound drivers installed and working correctly. I have OBS setup so that when I press the X key, my mic is activated for the stream. only thing is, when I hold X down it disables the system sounds so when I speak no one can hear the games sounds.
Any idea how I can hold X down and speak with the system sounds at the same time?
For example:
Im in game, and in this game (Garrys Mod) I hold down X to talk. So I have OBS to start my Mic every time I hold down X BUT it disables sound and just keeps the mic sound which is no good if somone is talking ontop of me too ingame.


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Forum Moderator
Disables system sounds? You mean in OBS or over your speakers? If in OBS, sounds like you have a bad hotkey set up there or something. If in windows then that would be totally baffling.