Bug Report Mic randomly stops working in OBS...


New Member
So...for a little bit now, maybe about like a month, every so often OBS will just either stop picking up my mic in the middle of streaming or it just won't ever start picking up my mic. I know the mic works because it's picked up by other recording devices, however, so some reason it won't work in OBS. I have to restart my entire computer to get it to work...

Log here: http://pastebin.com/pFqk5jgt if this helps :D


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Yeesh. Okay, Add 600 to whatever your "Scene buffering time" currently is. If it's at 300 (default), then increase it to 900. This is something that I plan to have automatically fixed in the future but right now, because some mics delay their input so long, this sort of thing can occur when "QPC timestamps" is on


New Member
It was actually at 400...which is weird because I don't recall changing it to that...or ever touching that option...or even noticing it was there...so, to 1000 it is!

And yeah...maybe I didn't need to post the entire log, but that IS was Pastebin is for, right? :D


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
If there's a repeating element you can just typically remove extra repetitions until it stops repeating, and then just insert something saying [repeats last line a bazillion times]. I may also try to add some similar functionality for logs to prevent repetition of similar/same messages.

Let me know how it goes though.