Bug Report Mic Input Crackling or Lagging


New Member
I am attempting to record videos with OBS, but the past few times I have my audio input has been crackling or lagging or whatever you call it. I don't know the term. Sorry if this isn't the right subforum for this.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/85469285/Test.wav - This is a sample of what is going on.

Normally I thread my audio through Adobe Audition to remove background noise, but I am considering stopping due to this problem and the fact it doesn't do much when comparing my tests.

Is this due to overloading my CPU, or is this a mic problem? Also is there any way to fix this or at least tone it down through editing the audio in Adobe Audition?

EDIT: Issue was found. It was Adobe Audition. Stopped threading my audio, ran a battery of tests, and everything went back to normal.
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