Question / Help Mic Goes Mute


Whenever I stream and something in my computer gets unplugged from USB, whether its a controller, Blue Tooth adapter etc., OBS mutes my microphone or should i say completely stops any incoming audio from it, and the ONLY way to fix it is to completely stop the stream and restart it. This gets very frustrating quite often, sometimes having to restart the stream 10+ times within a 6 hour period. Is there any work around for this as i havent been able to find anything about it.

Im on the lastest OBS version 0.553b and my headset is a USB Plantronics Gamecom 780.

Here is a link to the log file -


Community Helper
The latest version of OBS is actually 0.554, the auto-updater accidentally got disabled in 0.553 so you'll need to install the latest version manually.

Also, uncheck "Use Mic QPC Timestamps", which is what causes that error to spam your logs, and might be the cause of the problem you're describing.


Yea, after checking the log, i unchecked the QPC Timestamps and also the Force Desktop audio one as well as back before those options existed, i had a about a 300ms desync between my webcam video and the mic audio syncing. So far it seems to have stopped tho


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Forum Moderator
You can also increase the "Scene buffering time" value by a few hundred (measured in milliseconds), which should help prevent issues when Mic QPC timestamps is on if you do need to use it